About Grow-Self

Hi 👋 I am Sudheer, founder of Grow-Self

Grow-Self is a career advice blog with a focus on presenting factual information that can help you make an informed decision about what career path to choose.

I have varied interests in different careers. I started this with an intention to learn about each career I am interested in for myself.

I strive to share interesting and useful content that can help you make a decision and provide insightful information on a particular topic.

All the articles published here are carefully reviewed by me to ensure accurate information is provided.

For any queries, you can contact me at sudheer@grow-self.com

A little bit of info about me:

I’m a full-time digital marketer working remotely in India.

I graduated in Information Technology from James Cook University, Singapore.

I am also a hobbyist photographer. I organized more than 50 photowalks in Singapore as a member of Singapore Weekend Photography community. I post my photographs on Instagram @sudheer.paturi