11 Political Science Career Options for Fresh Graduates in 2024

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An image of direction boards, which signifies different career paths for students

In the passing decade, Political Science has emerged as the most sought-after course in higher education institutes. The root cause of the lasting prominence of this subject is the students’ interest in changing national and international political dynamics.

Political Science is a good career choice for students who are interested in understanding and evaluating the work of politics, government, and society.

During the study, students acquire the following practical skills for an outstanding career in Political Science:

  • Good communication skills
  • Research ability
  • Skilled writing
  • Thinking and writing creatively
  • Develop research projects and models
  • Analytical thinking
  • Public speaking
  • Critical thinking

As a fresh graduate, you could be wondering what career to choose after your bachelors in Political Science, we are here to put you at ease and provide you with a wide range of different career choices to choose from for a prosperous future.

11 Best Career Options for Political Science Graduates

Civil Services

To begin with, is India’s most prestigious profession joining the Civil Services. The civil services allow aspirants to bring about continuous and positive change in Indian policy as the authorities play a key role in maintaining law and order in the country.

For anyone who is a civil services aspirant, it’s a perfect career option. Studying this course at the undergraduate level can be very helpful for those who want to get an edge over other candidates. The best part of this job profile is that you can start preparing for the exam during graduation. You can appear for the Civil Services examination after completion of graduation.


Law as a Political Science Career Option

Another career option that has been popular among the Political Science graduates is, Law. In political science, Indian regional laws and the Indian Constitution play an important part in the curriculum. This makes the students of the subject perfect for pursuing law during the post-graduation following the completion of their studies, depending on the clarity of concepts of the discipline. 

Journalism / Mass Communication


If you are a political science graduate who is inclined toward writing or reporting then this is a great career choice for you. A journalist is a person who has good political knowledge and wishes to use it to raise public awareness in all media. Graduates of Political Science are highly regarded political journalists who gather in-depth knowledge and understanding of the political situation. For students who have good writing and speaking skills, this is a good platform for communicating ideas. 

For pursuing a career in this field, a student after graduation can do a master’s or diploma in journalism or mass communication or can start working directly after graduation, journalism is an excellent career choice for Political Science graduates.


Teaching is considered one of the noble jobs. This is a perfect job for individuals who are immensely interested in acquiring knowledge about the subject. You have an option to teach at school or college. If you want to teach at school then you must hold a B.Ed. degree, along with an MA in political science, while at the college level, professors need to qualify for examinations such as UGC NET/ SET and/or hold a Ph.D. degree. 

If you choose this as a career option there are different branches in this subject you can specialize in. It’s an impeccable job for the students who want to contribute to academics. 

Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

In times when social media has invaded the world, there has never been a single element left untouched. From political leaders to officials, groups to parties, every person or organization is under the scrutiny of the public eye and wants to leave a prominent image on social media. Their presence also needs to be conveyed by these professionals who are well-versed in politics and current affairs.

This is where graduates in political science can earn brownie points with their knowledge and critical thinking ability of what combines a positive image with public opinion, and design programs to shape and strengthen their clients social media campaigns. It is one of the fastest-growing jobs in the world today that needs talented young people.

Policy Analyst

A policy analyst is someone who is very knowledgeable about a subject and is responsible for assessing the quality of the policy and how it will affect more people. In addition, the analysis is used to plan new programs and policies. 

Over time, as a Political Science student, one develops strong analytical thinking, writing, and research skills, as well as extensive knowledge of public policy, all of which are essential qualifications for the role of a policy analyst.

It is a good career to choose for graduates, as you gain knowledge of the country’s political and legal processes. The more you study the subject, the more likely you are to become interested in it.

Legislative Assistant

Many people are unaware of the fact that Members of Parliament and other elected officials often hire assistants to assist them with their legal duties. These staff members are professionally known as legislative assistants, assigned to work closely with our Members of Parliament on research principles, monitor citizens’ concerns under the authority of their employers, and refer them to other officials.

Vacancies are available for graduates. It is recommended that you do a master’s in the subject to acquire more knowledge in the subject and become a perfect candidate for this job profile.

Marketing Research Analyst 

Graduate students in political science understand the power of political systems, allowing them to see how they can validate a particular product in all areas to hasten its outcome. A market research analyst is someone who evaluates how consumers respond to a particular group. They conduct in-depth polling and research to find out the public opinion of certain groups.

It offers another career option in Political Science as they can successfully analyze how consumers of a particular type of demography will react to a product with their knowledge of research methods. Students have the option of doing an MBA or entering the profession after graduation.

Intelligence Analyst

Intelligence Analyst

Intelligence analysts are people working under government agencies such as the CBI. They use their knowledge of political science to analyze all levels and structures of development in the fragile regions of the country. This is where the political science graduates can utilize the specific knowledge and skills they gain during their study.

The work focuses on making reports about groups that may be national security warnings. They learn the pattern of leadership and community response and present their findings in full.

You can apply for this job after completing Graduation by appearing for an examination conducted by the Indian Ministries to hire officers.

Political Campaign Staff

Another job profile that’s similar to that of a social media manager, except in part as the work is done offline. Campaign staff prepare press releases and edit their clients speeches, formulate and develop campaign strategies, analyze current political issues, evaluate public reactions to shape their clients image, and organize campaign fundraising. Freshers can apply for this opportunity

Public Relations

Public Relations professionals act as a bridge between their clients and the public through various media forums. The work ranges from organizing media releases and conferences to managing campaigns, events, and public appearances. Work requires good research, writing, and analysis skills to improve the image of their clients. You can take advantage of this opportunity after graduating from your master’s course as you eventually gain in-depth knowledge of Political Science.

Career options listed above are popular options available for students, but we’d like to tell you that it’s a small chunk from the collection of various choices available. All of these categories are part of different fields. Political Science is a good choice for an interesting an exciting career.

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